Scientists said dry eyes syndrome related to age, gender , hormone level, medication side effect and digital device, however, right now the dry eyes syndrome happened more at young age, male or female even for kids, I can tell the cause is more like how long time our eyes used on the screen. So, before talking about how to help, the first and mostly help is from ourselves, tracking how long time in front computer and try to give more break between will help the most.
In the Gua-Sha workshop of January, we learned how to use this skill to help reduce the uncomfortable feeling of eye, prevention for vision lost, it is easy, simple and very helpful. If you missed the workshop, not worry! We have video version available, you can learn it any time on your convenience.
Many people may concern if they do not have medical background, will it be very difficult to get? Not at all, thousands years ago, there is not one doctor, but that the time that the Traditional Chinese Medicine started and go through for all these years. Come to our workshop, hands on, you will learn it and more fun.