Call us today for more info. 980-229-3206
After childbirth, some women have experienced bladder control problems during sneezing, laughing or even walking. Did you know this symptom can be treated by acupuncture without surgery. Call us today for more info. 980-229-3206 picture is from:
People always wonder what an Acupuncturist can do in a Telemedicine call. Here is an example of one for the people who may want to try it. M. called me a week ago, and asked what she can do since she had some sinus issues, she told me she couldn't not sleep well during the night and wanted help. However with the pandemic, she didn't want to meet me in my office. So I introduced Telemedicine to her. 1. I sent her a link for her to pay for the service. $30 per 15mins. 2.After she paid, we set up a time to meet for a face to face call 3. I talked to her, since she needed to do some self-treatment, I also sent to her some magic patches and taught her how to use them. 4.after several days of work on it, she feels good now. I The result was a happy customer :) |
November 2024
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