What is Moxibustion and how does it work? Moxibustion has very long history as Acupuncture in China. It is another main therapy included in Acupuncture category. It is a form of heat therapy using dry plant materials called "moxa" warming near at the surface of skin.. In general, it is a soothing technique has wealth of health benefits. It can be used alone as an adjunct to regular acupuncture sessions. The intention is to warm and invigorate the flow of Qi (positive energy) in body and dispel certain pathogenic influences. Like all traditional Chinese treatments, the goal of moxibustion is to bring the body into balance and ensure a consistent flow of Qi. What moxibustion can treat?
●Depression and low mood ●Low energy level ●Wellness purpose and etc Example Moxitustion treatment plan: Treatment: 2 treatments per week for 5 weeks. Restorative: 1 treatment per week for 8 weeks Wellness care: 10 treatments per year. More information: https://www.takingcharge.csh.umn.edu/explore-healing-practices/moxibustion "Cosmetic" Acupuncture is the latest weapon in the anti-aging war and a favorite among stars such as Angelina Jolie, Gwyneth Paltrow and Jennifer Aniston. One of the most popular services can take years off your look by increasing circulation of blood which carries oxygen and nutrients to the face and aids in eliminating toxins all of which results in the reduction of fine lines, wrinkles, uneven skin tones, lifts and defines facial muscles, improves and increases collagen production brightens complexion, reduces age spots, tightens pores, helps eliminate puffiness. The number of treatments varies from patient to patient. " USA TODAY stated that among 300 people treated with facial rejuvenation acupuncture, 90% had significant results" Special thanks to our friend----Linda H. Myopia -----how acupuncture helps Myopia is one of the common health issues that happen in the youth stages. We call it as ---Pseudo-myopia. It is due to the regulation of tension, or even paralyzed functional myopia. School-age children or adolescents usually have to take longer time to read a book or computer, this is because the muscle around the eye area cramping or spasms can occur, as well as affect their vision. Sometimes our kid read books have to squint or look at the book very closely this can cause the problem to be even worse. This may lead to adjustment of tension and paralysis, depending on the distant objects, manifesting as myopia. Acupuncturists can help treat this type of myopia. Usually, one to three courses of treatment can restore normal vision. The treatment achieves a satisfactory therapeutic effect by stimulating the meridians of related meridians. Quick facts: Myopia according to Traditional Chinese Medicine can be due to a variety of factors. Below is the common diagnosis you usually see in clinic but not limited: Liver qi weakness Liver blood deficiency Kidney meridian deficiency Liver-spleen disharmony Tips:
1. Continuous eyes use should not be too long, generally not more than 45 minutes. 2. Ensure enough sleep, should go to bed before 11pm, it is the time to refresh liver meridian. Pay attention to work and rest, also increase outdoor activities, and see more green plants. 3. Balance the diet, pay attention to more protein and some foods containing more zinc, vitamin B, because the lack of it will have adverse effects on the optic nerve. By Misha Cohen, OMD, LAc Chronic sinusitis affects over 37 million Americans a year. It is the most common chronic condition in the United States today. The American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery describes chronic sinusitis as "a prolonged sinus infection; one that usually lasts for more than three months ... when you breathe in through your nose, the sinuses (which are air-filled) act like a filter, which creates mucus. If your sinus pathways do not properly drain, your sinuses can become 'diseased.' This can result in difficulty breathing through your nose, facial pain, and blockage of the sinuses among other symptoms. A sinusitis condition can interfere with one's lifestyle because of the constant pain and discomfort ... generally, a sinusitis condition will last more than 10 days and could also cause a discharge of thick yellow/green mucus, nasal congestion, and facial pain/pressure. There is no known 'cure' for chronic sinusitis. The right treatment can help resolve a current infection, but there are no guarantees that the infection won't return." References: www.acupuncture.com We offer the Acupuncture treatment not only for the syndrome you already have, we also have sinus wellness treatment available to decrease the chance of sinus issue reccurring. Again, the idea of Traditional Chinese Medicine is focused on the prevent it then treat it. SINUS ISSUES:
sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, stuffy nose, loss of sense of smell etc. Acupuncture can help and prevent these kinds of health issues. Call 980-229-3206 for more details. Acupuncture can relieve wrist pain, and researchers have tracked the brain and nervous system changes that may help explain why.
Scientists randomized 80 people with mild or moderate carpal tunnel syndrome — pain caused by nerve compression at the wrist — to one of three groups. The first received acupuncture at the wrist and ankle. The second got acupuncture at the wrist alone. And the third received sham acupuncture, using “fake” needles near the affected wrist, as a placebo. Using functional M.R.I. and nerve conduction tests before and after the procedures, they measured the effect on brain and nerves. All three groups found relief from pain, but both of the true acupuncture groups showed measurable physiological improvements in pain centers in the brain and nerves, while sham acupuncture did not produce such changes. Improvement in brain measures predicted greater pain relief three months after the tests, a long-term effect that placebo did not provide. The study is in Brain. “What’s really interesting here is that we’re evaluating acupuncture using objective outcomes,” said the senior author, Vitaly Napadow, a researcher at Harvard. Sham acupuncture was good at relieving pain temporarily, he said, but true acupuncture had objective physiological — and enduring — effects. “Acupuncture is a safe, low-risk, low side-effect intervention,” he continued. “It’s perfect for a first-line approach, and it’s something patients should consider before trying more invasive procedures like surgery.” From NEW YORK TIMES By NICHOLAS BAKALAR MARCH 2, 2017 Moxibustion has been use in acupuncture treatment for long time, and can treat many diseases. It is the thing which you can use at your own home under an acupuncturist advice. Today I want to show how to use it. 1.Light up : You can use a lighter to light it up. It may need little bit longer time than light up a paper, about 5-10sec. you may blow on it to encourage it to burn evenly. 2.When the stick is well lit, hold it close to the selected area, about 1-2 cm from the skin. If you cannot feel the heat, try a bit closer, if it is too hot, move away a little bit. 3.After a while, you may notice the burning part is coved by thickly ash, use your finger to slightly tap on the stick and take away the ash. You may repeat the step 3 several times until you finish your treatment. 4.When you finish, put the moxa stick under running water to extinguish it, make sure it is fully extinguished. You also can use a bowl of sand and dip in the moxa stick to extinguish.
We work every day to support our family, our life but something maybe no one realized: how hard our body works to keep our health.
Let’s discuss from the Tranditional Chinese medicine way. In Chinese medicine, we believe that our body has been build with channels, which can be imagined as the transport system in our body which all blood and essential pass thought and arrive the “target station”-organs. Qi is the power to push all of these. They are working 24 hours per day never stop to keep our health level. This is not the only thing they deal with. All the pathogens which attacked our body will go through this system too. Pathogen usually has two kinds: from outside and produce inside. Form outside like the weather change, cold, flu...inside is mostly caused by unhealthy living style. When the pathogens come, our channels work to help detox, stop them, pull them out, and not let them affect our health, so at this stage we usually have no health issue at all, however your Chinese medicine doctor can tell you something has been wrong. Then when the pathogens getting more and more, longer time stay in our body, our channel has been very exhausted and our body getting weak or start to show some troubles : sleep issue, allergy issue, energy level changing, emotional changing, …that is the warning from our body and it is time to looking for help… Unfortunately, we ignore these most of time or to find some over counter medicine to cover down the problem. The problem seems to disappear but in fact, it just stays in our body deeper. Over years, the channel has been block, the transport of blood essential has been blocked and getting weak then more health issues will show up…our health has been distorted and like my patient said “I am broke to pieces, nowhere is good.”(Continue…) |
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