Acupuncture not only helps people who have insomnia, but also for the healthy people who want to relief stress and improve sleep quality. We have a private or grouped stress relief program to fit your needs. Call 980-229-3206 for more details.
A preliminary report in 2004 found that in patients with anxiety, acupuncture increased night-time melatonin production and total sleep time. The patients who received acupuncture also fell asleep faster, were less aroused at night, and were less stressed. The researchers concluded that, “Acupuncture treatment may be of value for some categories of anxious patients with insomnia.”(
Acupuncture not only helps people who have insomnia, but also for the healthy people who want to relief stress and improve sleep quality. We have a private or grouped stress relief program to fit your needs. Call 980-229-3206 for more details.
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