Pediatric massage, in China has been widely using to treat varieties of common children disease, such as common cold, fever and etc. However in the USA, it is just beginning to be known by parents. I hope trough my introduction here, it allows more parents to understand and use this therapy to help our children. The pediatric massage helps our children a lot.
Pediatric massage, simply, is used some specific acu-points with techniques, to correct the body's Yin and Yang in reaching the balance, so as to achieve the purpose of treatment and healing. Because most of these acu-points are located on arms, it is very easy and safe to be operated. Since it is massage therapy, it is very easy to be accepted by children. The process of the massage has no pain, no side effects, and the healing is obvious.
Cases of rhinitis
Boy, 4 years old, previously had symptoms of chronic rhinitis. He had stuffy nose, especially when has a cold. At initial exam, he had cloudy and yellow nasal discharge, nasal congestion, especially at night was severe, and could not sleep. A friend introduced him to try Pediatric Massage in my clinic.
After the first day treatment, he had a lot of yellow discharges from nose (especially when sneezing). The second time after the treatment, still a lot of yellow nose discharge, but sleep was not issue during the night. The third day there was no yellow nose discharge, nasal congestion, but still had small amount of clear nasal discharge. After the 4th treatment, the boy is recovered by re-balanced his body system through Pediatric Massage.
I would like to suggest trying my wellness massage one time a week for your children to build up their own protection and clean the root of the disease
I know some children have chronic rhinitis, and they have been using spray treatment (hormone). Long-term use of hormone treatment could cause adverse reactions: Class 1 adrenal hyperthyroidism, mainly as moon face, buffalo hump, central obesity, thinning of skin, acne; may also appear weakness and muscle atrophy, can also cause osteoporosis, severe cases can lead to spontaneous fractures, bone missing hemorrhagic necrosis.