You will be greeted with a smile and a handshake - Thank You for your interest in the NC Acupuncture & Wellness Clinic!
At your initial visit we will do thorough evaluation using the traditional four pillars of diagnosis of Chinese Medicine. It also consists of health history interview, visual inspection of body shape, face, tongue, take pulse, asking your main complain and your healthy history to get a good idea of what your condition at - to discover the "Pattern(s) of Disharmony" - which it guides the best approach to take towards healing your unique health concerns.
After the evaluation, we will explain if Chinese medicine could be useful for your condition or not. If so, we will communicate the treatment principles, the modalities to be used (e.g. acupuncture, cupping, etc.) to achieve relief and healing, the ideal frequency and numbers of treatment needed. If not, we will try to facilitate the appropriate referral for the best treatment fit to you.
Treatments usually take in one of three physical positions: face-up, face-down or side-lying. It normally takes about 20 minutes for one position. It can take up to two positions depending on the comfort level. Mostly, all initial treatment will be finished within one hour.
After the treatment, we will discuss and provide recommendations based on your healthy needed. You can book the next appointment in the same visit.
Thank you again for choosing NC ACUPUNCTURE AND WELLNESS CLINIC.